
Lady In Tears As Boyfriend Proposes With Diamond Ring (Video)

Posted by Amarachi on Tue 02nd Jul, 2024 - 91ֿ

The woman who received an unexpected marriage proposal from her partner was shocked and joyfully rolled on the floor upon entering the room adorned with rose petals.

A Nigerian lady could not hold back tears after her boyfriend proposed to her with a diamond ring.

The woman who received an unexpected marriage proposal from her partner was shocked and joyfully rolled on the floor upon entering the room adorned with rose petals and a sign that read “Will you marry m.”

Her boyfriend read his heartfelt proposal from a card, knelt on one knee, and asked for her hand in marriage.

Captioning the video, she wrote: “With all my character 😍 they have given me diamond ring last last 😜💃”

See Video Below;

See reactions to the video below;

Mr Versatile said: “Shey this girl no senior this boy”

CITY BUOY stated: “They said marriage is not an achievement”

Senior Change said: “The dream of every woman”

Ijeoma Ebisike wrote: “She can’t maintain steeze and composure? Mtcheeeew”

Michael not Jordan stated: “Na so people wey don tie person deh do”

ID Ikoyi said: “She was shocked honestly, beautifully staged, every woman’s happy moment, kudos 👍”


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